After the breakup of The Misfits, Glenn Danzig formed a new band, called Samhain
Finally, in 1987, Glenn Danzig put together yet another band that was originally intended to be a continuation of Samhain. In order to maintain more control, and to prevent having to start over from scratch if he went through the drastic lineup changes that hurt his previous bands, he named the band "Danzig
The new band was composed of Glenn Danzig on vocals, Eerie Von on bass, John Christ on guitar, and Chuck Biscuits on drums. The band's new sound fell clearly in the realm of Heavy Metal, although somewhat raw and stripped down. That no-nonsense, stripped down sound, coupled with Danzig's powerful, Jim
In 1988, they released their self title debut album- Danzig. The most memorable track on the album is the song "Mother
The song lyrics speak the influences that parents typically try the shelter their children form- and how that sheltering often increases, rather than decreases the power of those temptations. Lines such as /Mother/Can you keep them in the dark for life/Can you hide them from the waiting world/ and the repeated section /Not about to see your light/and if you wanna find hell with me/I can show you what it's like/ strongly support this idea.
The music video shot for this song is an oddity- it is shot entirely in black and white. Most of the time the camera shows a close shot of Glenn Danzig's face partially in shadow. Later in the video, other images are introduced, which, at the very end of the song, when the music reaches the peak of intensity, shows a scene of some bizarre ritual in which Glenn Danzig appears to sacrifice a live chicken, spilling the animal's blood on the stomach of a woman, with another woman's hand drawing an inverted cross shape in the spilled blood. The video seems to have little to do with the actual lyrics- other than as a depiction of a (somewhat over the top) temptation.
The real meaning behind the song is actually very literal- the song is actually Danzig's angry reaction to the Parent's Music Resource Center (PMRC) - who in the 1980s campaigned to have certain music blacklisted because of offensive lyrics, sexual innuendo, and descriptions of violence. The standards chosen my the PMRC were more or less arbitrary- based on what their leader, Tipper Gore, though was unacceptable rather than by any objective, measurable standard. This lead to many songs being unjustly targeted by the PMRC- most notably Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It
The use of the title "Mother" in Danzig's song is a direct reference to the PMRC members themselves- mostly wives of politicians, and apparently overprotective mothers. The song is Danzig's defiant gesture (you know the one I mean- it involves one finger) to them- /And if you wanna find hell with me/I can show you what it's like/ - takes on new meaning in this context. It translates to "You want to hear something objectionable? How about this!" The lines /Gonna take your daughter out tonight/Gonna show her my world/ takes this one step further...
With this context- the occult references in the video actually make much more sense- why is there a bizarre ritual involving an animal sacrifice in the video? Because it would offend Tipper Gore. It's Glen Danzig's way of giving the PMRC the finger.
Try perceiving this biblically. Perhaps as a request. And it is very very important when attempting to explain what the songs second lyrical question, can you keep them in the dark for life? Can you keep them from a waiting world?. Lucifer says to his brother jesus perhaps, or vice versa. And when responding with "not about to see your light, habits speaking to all 3. Brother/mother/father. And think bigger maybe. There may much we dont know about the true nature of things, but DNA is code. Humans are a species. What is a race? We have races of people? Wtf does that mean. Species. But, your story is your truth and its between creation and you. I know not much of the collective. I just think it all so vain and silly as the most vain creature on the planet, human man carry on so for an immortal being. The concept of god becomes easier if we look at it as an is/is. Then all may be as/is. I long to feel that sit down moment.